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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"
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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"


Science in Y3

In Y3 we cover Light, Animals including humans, Plants, Rocks and Forces and Magnets.

Take a look at a snapshot of our work below.

Science in Action in Y3

LIGHT: We investigated the types of materials that light can or cannot pass through and why

ANIMALS INCLUDING HUMANS: We have sorted vertebrates and invertebrates and we have investigated how muscles and bones are important to our body.

PLANTS: We dissected plants to learn about how they were constructed and the names of the different parts. We also investigated plants in different conditions and measured how they grew over 3 weeks.

ROCKS: We learned about Rocks through the medium of chocolate. Compressing layers of chocolate to make SEDIMENTARY rocks, applying heat to make magma which will cool and harden for IGNEOUS rocks and finally applying heat and pressure to make METAMORPHIC rocks.

FORCES AND MAGNETS: We enjoyed a scrapyard challenge to help us understand what materials are magnetic and we made magnet mazes.

Parents' Evening Tuesday 4th February and Wednesday 5th February 2025