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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"
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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"

Art Gallery Project (Summer 2024)

From reception to year 6, our pupils have produced a self-portrait inspired by a range of artists. These portraits were framed and displayed by PTFA at our art gallery event in Summer term. 

The children were incredibly proud of their creations. The range of portraits and styles of art across the school is very impressive. Here are some of our creations. 


In reception, we have created our portraits in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, a famous Italian artist from the 16th century. He often used fruits, books, animals and other objects to create human portraits. We based our portraits on his fruit paintings!

Years 1 and 2

We have created self-portraits in the style of Picasso. Picasso used bright colours and shapes to create his portraits, which are now known as cubism. We used bright colours and different lines to create our Picasso inspired pictures. 

Year 3

We have created our self-portraits in the style of Van Gogh, one of the world’s most famous painters. Van Gogh created over two thousand paintings in his lifetime. We began by sketching ourselves using photographs before adding paints using thick paint brushes to show our brush strokes in true Van Gogh style. 

Year 4

In year 4, we have created pop-art style self-portraits in the style of North American artist Roy Lichtenstein. He is famous for his bright and bold paintings and comic strip cartoons. He used bright colours and tiny dots and dashes to build up the colour in his paintings.  

Years 5 and 6

Upper key stage 2 have developed self-portraits in the style of the South American artist Frida Kahlo. She is known for her use of bright colours and often featured tropical plants and flowers in her paintings. We have used sketching pencils to create our portraits, using lines, shade and tone before adding colour with oil pastels.

Parents' Evening Tuesday 4th February and Wednesday 5th February 2025