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Personal Development (P.S.H.E. / S.R.E. / P4C)
Activities that support personal development at Chowbent
Year 6 delivering their presentations of prejudice to Year 3 pupils
Nic from DIAS (domestic abuse charity) delivering a workshop on conflict resolution
Esafety talk from one of our mums who works in banking computer security
Litter picking in the local community
School assembly by Ocean Generation on caring for our oceans
Children display their learning in class floor books as shown below
Children explore topics through debate and discussion
Images can be used as a stimuls to get young minds thinking for themselves
Floor books enable the children themselves to get involved in recording their learning
Topical debates encourage the children to think about the media
Links are made with other subjects, here Computing
Stories create a stimulus for considering the issues
The children's wellbeing is explored, giving them skills to thrive in a modern world
Philosophy for Children is used to deepen understanding of real life issues
We explore what makes a good friend in Year 1
Year 2 debate gender roles and challenge stereotypes
Our younger children are guided to care for others
Children develop their thinking and oracy skills through fun enquiries
Personal Development lessons in Y1 help the children understand their emotions
Topic linked work debate - should artefacts be returned to their countries of origin?
Children use philosophical skills to develop enquiry questions
Year 1 think about how to be a good member of our community
Our younger children are helped to become good friends
Floor books record our debates. First Thoughts - where our thinking is before the debate
How do we respond to these images of family life? Does our view change after debate?
Class story books can become a great stimulus for debate
Decisions around what is the right order to put things in can spark a great debate
Shaping questions helps sharpen thinking
Diagrams and sketches can help give our opinions form
Creative, caring, collaborative critical thinking skills, the cornerstones of Philosophy
Thematic teaching helps the children make connections, here computing and PSHE
Healthy relationships are explored
Our younger children identify who is important in their lives
Would you rather type questions are an easy way in to develop critical thinking
Children explore issues that they may face in life
Links to RE allow the children to develop a moral undertsanding of the messages they hear
Deciding together what are the really important things in life that make you truly happy
We explore equality and gender bias so no child is limited in their career ambitions
Good relationships are at the core of Personal Development
Links to the novel 'The Boy in the Dress' - Should there be a girls and boys school unifor
Linked to the school visit to Chester Zoo, zoos good or bad?
The Rainbow Fish story helps us explore diversity
Our older children explore conflict through imagination and topic linked fantasy
Learning is enhanced by visits and visitors such as the local fire service
Basic first aid training as part of learning how to keep themselves and others safe
Fun with the fire service
Posters promoting Sun safety
Year 1/2 Exploring Who We Are
Y1/2 What Makes Good Friends?
Year 1/2 Seeking Help - Being Mean & Bullying
Year 1/2 Types of Families
Year 1/2 Uncomfortable Emotions
Year 1/2 Our Bodies and Being Safe
Year 1/2 How our Bodies Change
Year 1/2 Human Life Cycles
Year 1/2 Setting our own Goals
Year 1/2 What should we keep private online?
Year 1/2 Why websites use personal information.
Year 3 Tolerance & Respect
Year 3 What makes a good family?
Year 3 Falling Out & Arguments, Strategies for Managing Our Emotions
Year 3 Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships
Year 4 Is it Ok not to have rules? P4C debate.
Year 4 Is it ever Ok to keep a secret? P4C Debate
Year 4 P4C Discussion Evaluation
Year 4 Mental Health for young men - our initial thoughts P4C debate.
Year 4 Deepening the debate, P4C
Year 4 P4C Evaluating our debate.
Year 4 The Science of Happiness
Year 4 Important People in our Lives
Year 4 Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships
Year 4 Resolving Conflicts
Year 4 Resolving Conflicts
Year 4 Bullying Behaviours
Year 5 P4C Is it art or graffiti?
Year 5 P4C Is it ever right to break the law?
Year 5 Extended Extremism Project
Year 5 Extended Extremism Project
Year 5 P4C Which subject is the most important?
Year 5 Extended Extremism Project
Year 5 P4C Is it better to be good at maths or music?
Year 5 Developing a Sense of Community
Year 5 Community & Community Pledges
Year 5 Community & Community Pledges
Year 6 Types of Drugs, Healthy Lifestyles
Year 6 Healthy Relationships
Year 6 Healthy Relationships
Year 6 Positive Relationships Techniques
Year 6 P4C Is it art or is it graffiti?
Year 6 P4C - Is it ever ok to break the law?
Year 6 Extended extremism Project
Year 6 Community Respect & Tolerance
Year 6 Community Respect & Tolerance
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Diary Dates
Reception -
Year 1 -
Year 2 -
Year 3 -
Year 4 -
Year 5 -
Year 6 -
School Total -