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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"
Home Page

Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"

Financial Transparency

There are 0 (zero) individuals earning more than £100K at Chowbent Primary School.

School's are required to publish details of the number of individuals earning over £100K in £10K bandings.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-up Premium


The school received £3720.00 catch-up premium in October 2020.  It is intended that the school will spend this catch-up premium providing after school booster sessions for pupils in Y2 and Y6 in the first instance. 


The school received £6330.00 catch-up premium in June 2021.  This is the final installment and will be spent on providing staff training as well as catch-up interventions and booster groups for all children. 
