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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"
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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"


How we deliver our curriculum

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.


Learning should be fun, relevant and equip children with the skills and knowledge that they need to be successful in life. This is what we believe. Every morning at school the children will receive tuition in maths, writing and reading. We also run daily phonic groups for children who need it. Our afternoons are taken up with lessons that cover all the other subject areas. some of these are taught through themes or topics, some as discrete stand alone subjects. Science is an important curriculum area which is why it is taught outside of topic lessons largely but thematically where it fits well. History, art, geography and design technology lend themselves well to a thematic approach, where for instance a child under the umbrella of a topic on the USA may learn about the geography of the states, produce their own graffiti art, explore key historical events and design travel agents posters promoting each state. Music is currently taught via the Charanga Music Scheme. The school supports music by providing a year long free programme of percussion tuition in Year 4 delivered by Wigan Music Services. The school has a long tradition of excellent singing and involvement in performance, for example Young Voices concerts in Manchester. In Key Stage 2 children are supported by their teachers and specialists to enjoy the French language and the culture of France.


Individual subjects receive a closer review on a rolling basis.

The school is investing in the use of outside more specialist teachers where a subject needs it. In the areas of Modern Foreign Languages and P.E. staff are working with  link teacher to extend and develop how we teach these subjects in school.

Staff are working with a specialist French teacher and Wigan Warriors coaches to enhance and improve the delivery of M.F.L. and P.E.

The school provides many online learning tools with home access to all pupils so that they can carry on their computing lessons at home. These tools also support learning across the curriculum.


We know that some children need to receive more support than others, whilst others have high academic potential that needs pushing. This is why we group children in lessons to teach Maths and English making use of teaching assistants where they are available, pastoral support staff and 'break-out' areas to allow for more personalised support. The school also utilises the National Tutor Programme to offer 1:1 or small group tuition free to children who need 'catch-up' interventions. This is delivered in blocks up to 15 hours using school based tutors.


 All teaching follows the National Curriculum's skills and knowledge, however we take advantage of the freedom schools have to deliver these in a way that the children enjoy. We value the impact of 'special' lessons which is why we take the children out of school to enhance their topic work, or invite specialists into school to teach them more. for example, we offer swimming throughout the children's time in year 3.  In the junior classes, we also offer the children the opportunity to take part in a residential trip over three days that challenges them to try some adventurous activities in the great outdoors and at the top of the school, a week long stay in Scotland!


Unlike most schools, Chowbent puts emphasis on developing speech, language and communication skills. That is why we hold weekly Philosophy 4 Children sessions and what we call, discussion reads. The school holds the Silver Philosophy 4 Children Award.





Chowbent has a Silver Award for Philosophy 4 Children. We hold philosophical enquiry sessions in all classes at least once a week. These sessions are designed to improve the children's speaking, listening and communication skills as well as to develop their understanding and thinking skills.


Our Implementation Plans show HOW we plan to deliver our learning objectives

Parents' Evening Tuesday 4th February and Wednesday 5th February 2025