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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"
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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"




The Chair and Vice Chair are selected annually from within the Governing Body.


Governors are appointed / elected to the Governing Body for a period of four years.


The full governing body and the business and finance committe meets termly.


Dear Parents,


Welcome to Chowbent!


I am so pleased that you have taken the time to consider Chowbent for your child. We believe that we have a lot to offer your child and your family. As a governing body we recognise the fact that an effective school is one that engages with and welcomes parental support and involvement. We have recently refurbished a room in school to be used by our families and we have lots of exciting family events lined up. Our aim is to create an environment in which all children can develop to their full potential.  We want the children who come to Chowbent to be proud of their school and of themselves. Children at Chowbent are listened to and have an input into their education through school councils.


One of our key strengths is the pastoral care we give to our children. This was recognised by OFSTED who said “a current strength of provision is the care guidance, and support we give.”


On behalf of the governing body I warmly invite you to look around our school and talk to all our staff and children-they will give you an insight into what it is like to belong to Chowbent School. You will be assured of a warm Chowbent welcome from everyone at school.


As a mother of four I know that deciding which primary school to send your child to is one of the most important decisions that you will make. I hope you will consider, as I did, that Chowbent is the right school for your child.


I look forward to meeting you in the near future.


Mrs S. Heapy (Chair)

Instrument of Government as at 1st September 2022 until replaced


Type of Governor










Local Authority




Foundation Ex-officio


Meet The Governors


Mrs Susan Heapy

Chair of Governors

Date of appointment - 31/08/10

Term of office - 20/06/23 - 19/06/24

Co-opted Governor (elected by the governing body)

Member of Pay Committee 

Member of Business & Finance Committee

Specific Responsibility - Headteacher's Performance Management

Pecuniary & Personal Interest - Chair of PTFA at school


Mrs Holly Dunsby-Hughes

Vice Chair of Governors 

Date of appointment - 23/09/20

Term of office - 20/06/23 - 19/06/24

Parent Governor (elected by the parents)

Member of the Business & Finance Committee 

Member of Pay Committee 

Specific Responsibility - Headteacher's Performance Management, Looked After Children, Child Protection & Safeguarding, Vulnerable Children, Equality, Pupil Premium, Staff and Pupils Health & Wellbeing. 

Pecuniary & Personal Interests - None


Mr J Randle


Term of office - 01/09/2010 - ongoing

Specific Responsibility - Safeguarding Officer

Pecuniary & Personal Interest - The Perry Hall Multi Academy Trust (member of the board)


Mrs Vicki Wright

Date of appointment - 01/10/19

Term of office - 01/09/23 - 31/08/27

Staff Governor

Member of the Business & Finance Committee (Vice Chair) 

Specific Responsibility - Health & Safety

Pecuniary & Personal Interest - None


Mrs C Taylor 

Assistant Head 


Pecuniary & Personal Interest - none


Miss Ruth Blakemore

Date of appointment - 01/01/15

Term of office - 08/11/22 - 07/11/26

Co-opted Governor (elected by the governing body)

Member of Pay Committee 

Specific Responsibility - SEND, Bullying

Pecuniary & Personal Interest - none


Rev Lynne Readett

Date of appointment - 01/09/14

Term of office - 01/09/22 - 31/08/26

Foundation Governor (elected by Chowbent Chapel)

Specific Responsibility - Headteacher's Performance Management, Numeracy

Pecuniary & Personal Interest - none


Mr Christopher Robinson

Date of appointment - 27/09/19

Term of office - 20/07/23 - 19/07/27

Parent Governor (elected by the parents)

Member of Business & Finance Committee (Chair)

Specific Responsibility - PE & Sports Grant, other Grant Income

Pecuniary & Personal Interest - Member of the government economic service


Mrs Jill Coles 

Date of appointment - 12/07/23

Term of office - 12/07/23 - 11/07/27

Ex-officio (elected by the Chapel)

Pecuniary & Personal Interest - TBC


Mrs Lorraine Pembroke 

Term of office 08/01/01 ongoing 

Clerk to the governors 

Pecuniary & Personal Interests - Daughter is Director of Stolen Thread Theatre Company CiC


Mrs Joanne Kendal 

Term of office 13/03/17 ongoing 

Clerk to the Business and Finance Committee

Pecuniary & Personal Interests - None


Mrs Edwina Williams

Term of office 12/08/20 - 11/08/24 - term of office has ended 


Mrs Susan Loudon

Term of office - 03/07/2020 - 02/07/2024 - resigned 16/02/23 



Governing Body Structure 2024-2025


Full Governing Body and Business & Finance

Mrs Susan Heapy (Co-opt) – Chair of Governors

Miss Ruth Blakemore (Co-opt)

Mr James Randle (Headteacher)

Mrs Vicki Wright (staff) - B&F Vice Chair

Mrs Holly Dunsby-Hughes (Parent) – Vice Chair of Governors

Mr Christopher Robinson (Parent) - B&F Chair

Mrs Jill Coles (Ex-officio)

Rev. Lynne Readett (Foundation)






Pay Committee

Miss Ruth Blakemore - Chair

Mrs Susan Heapy

Mrs Holly Dunsby-Hughes

Mr James Randle (Advisor)


Ad-Hoc Committees

1. Pupil Discipline (Exclusions) Committee

2. General Complaints Panel

3. Staff Dismissal/Grievance/Appeals Panel

Alphabetical order when required


