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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"

Science Week 2023/24

Curious Critters

As part of the Biology strand of Science, Curious Critters came into school during Science Week 2024. They showed us a variety of animals and creatures and we discussed their adaptations as well as the environments that they are used to living in. We were so brave with all the new and exciting species! 

A visit from the Doctor

Dr Tensel from Premier Health in Leigh came in to help further our understanding of Biology. He also showed us what his job entailed and how he uses Science everyday in his very important job. Reception and KS1 loved this hands-on experience. 

Mad Science and United Utilities ‘Stop the Block’ Assembly

We were treated to a really informative assembly by Mad Science and United Utilities during Science Week 2024. We learnt about the water cycle and saw first hand how water can change state. We can’t wait to test our ‘Leaky Loo’ at home. 

A visit from Mr Fisher from Segen Uk

Thank you to Chris Fisher from Segen Uk who came to talk to us today about his job with renewable energy. We looked at all different forms of renewable energy and loved hearing about Chris’ projects and things he has developed. It really opened our eyes to what wonderful careers you have using Science 🧪

Biggest Science Kahoot quiz of the year 2024

As part of Science week 2024 KS2 took part in a virtual Science quiz competing against St Andrews Methodist school in Little Hulton. They were playing against their opposing year group in the other school. There were several Chowbent victories as well as lots of fun had by both schools. All children received a certificate for participating and the winners received prizes in the Science Week Assembly. Well Done everyone!

A morning in VR

KS2 were treated to a morning in Virtual Reality today. They walked on the moon for the Y5 Science unit of Space, visited different biomes and the adapted animals in Y6 for their Science unit of evalution plus so much more. A definite highlight of Science week 2024

KS1 Science Show ‘Light and Sound’

Adrian Bowden came to school during Science Week 2024 and wowed our Reception and KS1 classes with a science show all about Light and Sound. We made higher and lower sounds, investigated making shadows bigger and smaller and even made a rainbow in the hall. A wonderful morning 🌈!

KS2 Science Show ‘Electricity’

KS2 took part in a brilliant Science show during Science Week all about electricity! They learnt lots of a new knowledge as well as reinforcing some great new concepts. Thank you to Adrian for delivering such a fun-filled afternoon 🧪

Science lessons in Science Week

We have all taken part in our usual Science lessons this week too. We have had planting in Y1/2 as part of their ‘Plants’ Science unit, exploring the heart in the Circulatory system in Y6, investigating insulators in Y5 and making food chains in Y4 as well as so much more!! Reception in investigated shadows and what happens when you move the light source nearer/further from an object.We even had making classification keys in French in Y6, Magnifique!

Staff Twilight Science Training 

Science Week 2024 also saw our teachers sharpening their Science knowledge as well as the pupils. Teachers took part in a ‘Phenomenal Physics’ twilight session with Adrian Bowden. They learnt new and exciting activities  to help enhance their Science teaching. It was a really informative session and watch this space to see the new ideas tried out in the Chowbent classrooms.

Video Reporting in Science Week

Y4 used their Computing lessons this week to make video reports all about their learning during their fantastic Science Week. Well done Y4!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video
Parents' Evening Tuesday 4th February and Wednesday 5th February 2025