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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"
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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"

Attendance at School

At Chowbent Primary School, we are committed to meeting our obligation with regards to school attendance through our whole-school culture and ethos which values good attendance, including:


· Promoting good attendance


· Reducing absence, including persistent and severe absence


· Ensuring every pupil has access to the full-time education to which they are entitled


· Acting early to address patterns of absence


· Building strong relationships with families to ensure pupils have the support in place to attend school.


If your child’s attendance level is falling, please contact us to arrange a meeting where we will work together to explore the reasons and discuss what help can be put in place to help you and your child overcome the barriers that you are facing.




Attendance celebrations and achievements

Attendance is central to raising standards and ensuring children can reach their full potential. We reward and praise children for prompt and good attendance.


Children achieving 100% attendance for a whole academic year will be presented with a certificate and medal during a whole school assembly. 


On a fortnightly basis, the class with the highest attendance from EYFS/Key Stage 1 and a class from Key Stage 2 are awarded with an attendance trophy which they display in their classroom.  

Christmas Dinner Day - Friday 13th December (order on the HUB) - wear a Christmas jumper or a Christmassy outfit.