Science in Y1/2
In Y1/2 we cover Materials, Seasons, Plants, Animals including humans and Living things in their habitats.
Take a look at a snapshot of our work below:
We sorted materials according to their properties.
We added water to different powders and products and observed what happened.
PLANTS 🌱: We learnt what plants need to grow and planted some peas in our school grounds
We looked at how animals and humans grow and what they need to survive. We learnt about the names of our 5 senses and out then to to the test in our blindfolded senses quiz.
We watched the life cycle of a Butterfly happen before our very eyes!
LIVING THINGS AND THEIR HABITATS: We have investigated how living things are adapted for their environments and went on a mini- beast hunt to find our very own living things in their habitats.We then made pictograms to show our findings.