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Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"
Home Page

Chowbent Primary School

"Never be less than your best"


Addition using Numicon resources

Writing sentences which include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

Learning how to do an underarm throw with Coach Tyler in our PE lesson. 


Visitors coming into school to teach about caring for animals

and keeping healthy.                       

Gardening in our outdoor area. 

Earning certificates for reading at home. 

Role play: a Chinese restaurant 

Outdoor play: creating our own repeating patterns. 

Outdoor writing. 

A visit from a published author: story time. 

World Book Day: vocabulary parade. 

Addition using a ten frame and counters. 

Using the class tablets to take photographs. 

Outdoor play: Dinosaur exploration. 

Taking on classroom responsibilities. 

Learning how to control a large ball. 

Playing games: turn taking. 

Mathematics: learning how to use the part-whole model. 

Listening to stories and sequencing events. 

Celebrating birthdays. 

Role play. 

Word building in our Sounds-Write phonics lesson. 

Celebrating Christmas. 

Celebrating Christmas. 

Craft time! 

Family learning and family craft sessions. 

Parents' Evening Tuesday 4th February and Wednesday 5th February 2025